4 Items You Should Pay Attention to During a Gas Furnace Inspection


As winter approaches, it is very important for you to ensure that your gas furnace is functioning at its best. A simple inspection can give you most of the information that you need to confirm that all is well with your gas furnace. This article discusses four items you should include on your checklist as you inspect the gas furnace.

The Carbon Monoxide Detector

This detector is important because it alerts you in case there is a leak of a toxic gas into the indoor air of your home. Read the manual of your carbon monoxide detector and follow the instructions given on how to confirm that it is working properly. Call an HVAC technician from a company like Middleton's to check it if you can't find instructions on how to perform that check by yourself.

The Thermostat Setting

Your energy use may be linked to how high or how low the thermostat of your gas furnace is set. Check the setting and confirm that it is set at the right temperature setting. This will prevent you from having to pay more for energy if the furnace was heating the home to a much higher temperature than desired.

Dirt and Debris

Dirt and debris make a gas furnace to work harder to heat a home because they absorb heat and impede the flow of heated air from the burner to the rest of the home. Clear the area around the gas furnace so that there is nothing (such as flammable materials) that can cause a fire hazard.

Abnormal Noises

Another aspect you should be mindful about during your gas furnace inspection is the sounds being emitted as the furnace operates. Investigate any strange noises you hear coming from the furnace because they may indicate that there is a problem developing. For instance, call a residential heating technician to check what is wrong if the furnace is emitting a very loud hissing sound. That sound may be because of a leak within the system. Scraping sounds may point to an aging fan belt that needs to be replaced before it fails.

It is better to have a two-pronged approach to keeping your gas furnace in order. One aspect should entail the checks you conduct on your own while the second aspect should involve a professional. This method will ensure that you get early warning about possible problems so that you avoid expensive repairs when parts fail and trigger off a chain reaction of component failures.


8 October 2015

General Contractors and Removing Lead, Asbestos and Other Toxins

When you work with a contractor to create your home, there are so many things you can do. However, when working with an older home, the first thing you need to address are any toxins in the home. Hi, my name is Katy, and a few years ago, I invested in a beautiful older home. It needed a lot of work, and I started right away. However, when I finally hired a contractor to help with an addition, he pointed out that I had overlooked the presence of mold and lead in the house, and he helped me mitigate those issues. If you have a home with toxins in it, I'm here to offer advice about working with a contractor. Thanks for reading!